[carpe] 2017-06-20 CARPE Conscribillati: Gabriel Sheeley: Beginning Microcontrollers

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Thu Jun 22 08:36:52 EDT 2017

Thanks to Pillar, Erin Moore, and Gabriel Sheeley for their generous
hospitality. They gave us plenty of cookies, pizza, salad and beverages.

Gabriel Sheeley gave a fun hands-on presentation,
which had us build microcontrollers on a wireless breadboard.
It was a dry run for Pillar's "Plugged-in" event in July.
When is Pillar's July "Plugged-in" event?

good: was set up before other folks showed up

It was a hand-on tutorial, building an Arduino based LED blinker
on a wireless breadboard. We had almost as many kits as people.

It started with building the power supply with a classic 7805 linear voltage
regulator, then adding an LED with a current limiting resistor,
then adding the microcontroller and another LED. The blinking of the second LED
was controlled by the microcontroller's software, which was preprogrammed.

There were good pictures of how things were to be wired.

Not all of the microcontrollers had the same software.
Some blinked three times after releasing the reset button.
Some slowly increased and decreased in brightness.
That code was from a standard Arduino example program,
more likely the first of the following two examples.


There was confusion over the difference between pin numbers of the
bare microcontroller chip and Arduino's concept of pin numbers.

Some people who had some familiarity with electronics wanted a schematic for
the board that we built.

Would be nice to have cheap magnifying lenses to see colors on resistors.


link farm:

Onion based on ESP8266?
Onion Omega2 Project Book Vol. 1
    (seems to have disappeared recently)
Onion Omega2

    wp:Time Enough for Love
    fair witness

wp: prefix means Wikipedia
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