[colug-432] OCLC and Beowulf

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Thu Apr 1 13:22:40 EDT 2010


I wanted to invite everyone on the list to next month's Python Users
Group meeting (or any month's meeting, for that matter).

Obviously Linux and Python go together like Chocolate and Peanut
Butter (I'm writing this on my Ubuntu Workstation right now), but I
thought this meeting would have special interest to COLUG folks.

It's going to be at OCLC on April 26, and folks from OCLC will be
talking about how they crunch lots of data using a Beowulf cluster and
a Python map/reduce library.  You can RSVP here:


And here are the details:

What: How OCLC processes 1TB/month of data on a Beowulf cluster using Python

When: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:30 PM

6565 Kilgour Place
Dublin, OH 43017

NOTE: We are meeting at OCLC this month! We will be meeting in the
boardroom in the main (Kilgour) building. The address is 6565 Kilgour
Pl, Dublin. Attendees will have to check in at the reception desk. The
boardroom is on the 2nd floor, right above the auditorium.

Meet fellow Pythonistas. Learn about the Python programming language.
Share your experiences with Python and how it has helped you. Have
fun! All are possible as a member of the Central Ohio Python User's

Jenny Toves of OCLC will be talking about using Python to process
large amounts of data. OCLC Research uses Python on a 132 CPU Beowulf
cluster. Their version of map/reduce is used to process a terabyte of
data on a monthly basis. This talk will include introducing and
sharing their map/reduce implementation as well as why OCLC loves
Python and some of their challenges for scaling up.

Pop and snacks will be provided by OCLC. We also have a stack of
O'Reilly provided Python books in our library that can be checked out.

See you there!

Learn more here:

Hope to see you there!

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