[colug-432] Code check

Tom Hanlon tom at functionalmedia.com
Sat Aug 3 01:03:01 EDT 2013


If I have to write much more python, I will subscribe to the other lists.

But one more question

I have this snippet of borrowed code.

def showPayload(msg):
    payload = msg.get_payload()

    if msg.is_multipart():
        div = ''
        for subMsg in payload:
            print div
            div = '------------------------------'
        print msg.get_content_type()
        print payload[:200]

I am parsing a mbox file, and the above code works.

What goes to stdout is exactly what I want. However I want to capture it to
a variable.

This however does not work.

def showPayload2(msg):
    message_content = ""
    payload = msg.get_payload()

    if msg.is_multipart():
        div = ''
        for subMsg in payload:
            message_content += div
            div = '------------------------------'
        message_content +=  msg.get_content_type()
        message_content += payload[:200]

    return [message_content]

showPayload2 only ever returns..

Here is the code with the working function showPayload, and my attempt to
capture to string instead of print to out, in showPayload2.

Am I missing something quick and simple to capture what is emitted to
stdout to a variable ? Or how do I do a recursive function call without
blowing away changes to the string ?

import mailbox

def showPayload(msg):
    payload = msg.get_payload()

    if msg.is_multipart():
        div = ''
        for subMsg in payload:
            print div
            div = '------------------------------'
        print msg.get_content_type()
        print payload[:200]

def showPayload2(msg):
    message_content = ""
    payload = msg.get_payload()

    if msg.is_multipart():
        div = ''
        for subMsg in payload:
            message_content += div
            div = '------------------------------'
        message_content +=  msg.get_content_type()
        message_content += payload[:200]

    return [message_content]

mbox = mailbox.mbox('201308.mbox')
for message in mbox:
    data = {}
    data['From']    = message['from']
    data['Subject']     = message['subject']
    data['Date'] = message['date']
    data['Content']   = showPayload2(message)
    print data
    print showPayload2(message)

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 9:13 PM, <jep200404 at columbus.rr.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 1 Aug 2013 15:13:07 -0400, Tom Hanlon <tom at functionalmedia.com>
> wrote:
> > That is sweet !!
> >
> > Python is nice,
> >
> > I think what I just did was
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> > from colug import experience
> There's a local Python group and mailing list at
> http://cohpy.org/ and
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/centraloh
> where other bits of Python niftiness occurs.
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/centraloh/2013-June/001718.html
> You missed PyOhio, an annual free Python conference held
> at the Ohio Union on OSU campus, but you can watch the videos.
>     http://pyvideo.org/category/41/pyohio-2013
> You should check out IPython Notebook.
> http://pyvideo.org/video/1605/science-and-python-retrospective-of-a-mostly-s
>     http://pyvideo.org/video/2286/the-ipython-notebook-revolution
>     http://mail.python.org/pipermail/centraloh/2013-February/001551.html
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