[colug-432] What's the best way to back up a remote VPS?

Jeff Frontz jeff.frontz at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 17:44:26 EDT 2013

Looking at the source:

  if (input 

On Jun 22, 2013, at 14:55, Rob Stampfli <res at colnet.cmhnet.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 11:48:48PM -0400, Rob Stampfli wrote:
>> It's becoming harder and harder to find a reasonably priced VPS
>> that has built-in backup/restore capabilities, but cheap, unadorned
>> VPS providers abound.  So, I've been wondering how does one go about
>> rolling his own backup...
> Thanks to everyone who responded.  I've cobbled together a procedure
> using rsync which seems to handle the backup part of the equation
> well.  The restore part, however, which I have not tried but which
> others on the net claims will work, involves rsyncing the saved image
> back in over the top of the root filesystem on a running system.
> This approach sounds mighty risky to me, and I don't have a spare VPS
> around to test it with, but perhaps with luck I won't have to resort
> to trying it any time soon.  In any event, with a combination of hand-
> installing some files and rsyncing in the rest, I believe I could get
> another site up and running in a day or so if I had to.
> On another topic, has anyone noticed that the /usr/bin/factor program
> which is disseminated with CentOS 6 apparently has been rewritten and
> is at least *three orders of magnitude* faster than its predecessor?
> I used to use "time factor 9876543210123456781" to get a feel for the
> speed of the processor on a *nix box.  It was also good for ascertaining
> whether a pokey machine was CPU starved or I/O starved.  (It is usually
> the latter.)  If the above could be factored in less than about 10
> seconds, you had a honking fast box.  Well, now:
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> -bash-4.1$ time factor 9876543210123456781
> 9876543210123456781: 9876543210123456781
> real    0m0.191s
> user    0m0.000s
> sys    0m0.005s
> -bash-4.1$ 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> That's unbelievable, or did the NSA secret algorithm for factoring large
> primes get leaked to the GNU folks?
> Rob
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