[colug-432] 2014-05-28 Scribbles

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Sat Aug 9 19:42:43 EDT 2014

Thanks to Improving Enterprises and Cassandra for hosting the COLUG meeting.
They generously provided food and beverages. 

wifi did not work

Scott McCarty of Red Hat
support any nasty OS

# ready to go image
docker run -i -t -rm rhel7b-base man systemd
# 700 ms
almost like running the command locally

docker was built with the mindset of a single daemon
entry point

images accrete

base image is certified starting point
dockerfile "blueprints" 

docker has public registry
quay.io: private registries

Docker is embraced in RHEL 7, but works in RHEL 6.

# sample invocation
docker run -r -i registry.access.redhat.com/redhat/rhel7beta bash
docker run -r -i registry.access.redhat.com/redhat/rhel7beta man systemd
docker run -r -i registry.access.redhat.com/redhat/rhel7beta cat /etc/redhat-release

# runs at native speed

running in same kernel as host
docker run -r -i registry.access.redhat.com/redhat/rhel6-base uname -a
docker run -r -i registry.access.redhat.com/redhat/rhel5-base uname -a
docker run -r -i registry.access.redhat.com/redhat/rhel4-base uname -a

crunchtools.com: a practical introduction to docker containers
(scott's blog)

docker was not setup to run more than one process

glance server

also have open source python server


geard is rh project sits on top of docker
openshift 3.0 (lxc paas)

docker images
docker ps

diffs to previous containers

various distros agreed to use 2.6.32 kernel

russia crimea
rhel centos

rhel atomic: minimal
rpm os trees
    hard links

bob young
opening engine 

red hat summit best ten
applicationcentri cpackaging with docer & linux
roadmap are always good
tuning are popular
hypervisor roadmap
satellite 6 (dead product walking) at least until 2017


go language

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