[colug-432] strlcpy / strlcat in Centos 6.6

Rob Stampfli rob944 at cboh.org
Sun Dec 21 01:40:33 EST 2014

I'm trying to build the latest opendkim package on a Centos 6.6
and find the compile is failing due to a lack of the strlcpy()
and strlcat() string functions.  Googling implies I should
either install libbsd-dev or libbsd-devel, neither of which
seem to be in the repositories.  I gather that the crux of the
problem is that the glibc folks don't like these functions,
so they don't include them.  I'm not interested in the politics,
I just want to build opendkim, and I'd rather not reinvent my own
version of these string functions.  Any solutions?  suggestions?


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