[colug-432] bedrock linux: how's it work? Re: November COLUG Meeting Announcement

Jeff Frontz jeff.frontz at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 03:12:43 EST 2014

Is there any place that gives a description of how bedrock linux works?
I've read what the benefits are, why you'd use it, etc., but what exactly
is going on under the covers?  After some googling, I saw some hint on
slashdot and elsewhere that chroot and bind-mounting are employed -- but
what else? Modifications to exec* (and other?) system calls?


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Daniel Thau <danthau at bedrocklinux.org>

> There were numerous requests at this meeting for the slides I used.
> They are available here:
>     http://bedrocklinux.org/media/bedrocklinux-colug.pdf
> Enjoy.
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