[colug-432] 2014-09-24會議 Scribbles 落書/惡文?
R P Herrold
herrold at owlriver.com
Fri Sep 26 12:04:03 EDT 2014
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, 25 Sep 2014, jep200404 at columbus.rr.com wrote:
> combining multiple commands, especially loops
> If you're repeating some monster command often,
> it might be a good candidate to put into a shell script.
which also presents an opportunity to refactor in error
checking, options processing, input validation, adding a usage
message, and 'eating through' the $ARG array, so the user need
not repeatedly tweak a long command
Rob and I seem to have similar collection sizes
[herrold at centos-6 ~]$ cd bin
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ ls | wc -l
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ wc -l * 2> /dev/null | sort -n | tail
493 ratchet_leader_volatility.sh (a cron script used in
financial markets trading)
510 secure-rpm-qa-20120821.txt (a driver file for a
521 ORCbuildit (SRPM or .spec file builder)
542 rph-rpmbuild (and this)
621 gen-pw.sh (local 'passwd complexity' tool)
701 srcfind (more below)
1518 dhcp.txt (another driver)
1835 smtm-RPH (another financial markets
11122 pine (a wrapper for alpine adding
GnuPG key agent management)
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ history | cut -c 21-| awk {'print $1'}
| sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 10 ; history | wc -l
21 history
27 ./manual.sh (a git CI helper)
32 srcfind (a local SRPM searching tool)
41 scp
49 less
64 ls
89 joe
135 ssh
136 git
190 cd
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$
> history options
> The history can have timestamps. This can help one look for
> an old command that
... that 'cut' command is to trim away time and date (which is
fixed column width) marking from my archive (mentioned in a
I consider my 'gen-pw.sh' more useful than: pwgen
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ gen-pw.sh -m
so: no specials but mixed case, specials and mixed case, mixed
case and MORE specials, all numeric
Usually I can conform to some site's arbitrary rules with one
of those choices. It can even accomodate sites that cannot
imagine why long strings are useful as passwords:
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ gen-pw.sh -m 10
(here ARG1 being the maxlength to trim down to)
and I wrote a mess of options, which is usually overkill as I
normally just use '-m'
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ gen-pw.sh -h
Usage: gen-pw.sh [-a] [-d] [-h] (length)
-a limits to alphanumerics
-j alphanumeric with just one special (default)
-z alphanumeric, special, and HARD specials
-l limits to letters
-m mixed alphanumeric and specials
-n numerics
-x hexadecimal mixed
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ wc -l shuffle-stdin.php gen-pw.sh
34 shuffle-stdin.php
621 gen-pw.sh
I'll look at that code, and push it out to github [I looked,
cleaned up a bit and pushed under a GPLv3+ re-license; pull
requests welcomed] -- but it sort of grew, rather than was
designed; and the shell script is FUGLY. The PHP is a 'card
shuffling and dealing' pipeline friendly, with an algorithm
that takes an arbitrary 'deck' of characters
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ grep -A1 -B1 php gen-pw.sh
export DECK=` echo \
tr -s 'a-zA-Z0-9' | awk {'print $1'} | shuffle-stdin.php | \
cut -c 1-${CUTLEN} `
I know it could be refactored, but, why? It needs my modest
> Russ mentioned deliberating executing a comment command, so that it
> ends up in the history to document the following (or preceding)
> commands.
and I use it:
[herrold at centos-6 bin]$ history | cut -c 21-| grep "^#" | wc -l
> Jason and Russ, please elaborate on the benefits and drawbacks of
> "shopt -s histappend".
I am not so sure here as I use a 'small' number history depth;
also I tend not to close some shells (multi-day development
work) in which I have a lot of retained state, but perversely
will pop open a shell 'tactically' for a transient task, and
then kill it off with a:
> Russ, what the line number and URL for your nasty example from
> https://github.com/herrold/?
It was an extension of a pipe usage trick I learned from Alan
Cox back in the dial-up days. The particular one was [2] at
line 79
> Is Apple's default search engine now duckduckgo, not Google anymore?
I said that Safari had added DDG, not that it was defaulted
in, as I don't know that one way ot the other. DDG is at
Github [3]
> Has Apple's canary disappeared?
I heard such a report reporting its absence from Apple's most
recent transparency report which seems to be confirmed in a
quick DDG search [4]
Also worth reading and considering thoughtfully is the Apple
whitepaper on the boot chain validations, anti-replay efforts
for imaging devices, and more [5]
- -- Russ herrold
[1] https://github.com/herrold/tool-tips/convenience/
[2] https://github.com/herrold/tool-tips/blob/master/convenience/push-reboot-notice.sh
yuck ... where did that 'blob/master' find its way
into URL display at GH ;)
[3] https://github.com/duckduckgo
[4] https://gigaom.com/2014/09/18/apples-warrant-canary-disappears-suggesting-new-patriot-act-demands/
[5] http://images.apple.com/privacy/docs/iOS_Security_Guide_Sept_2014.pdf
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