[colug-432] Command-line Snow Emergency Level

Rob Funk rfunk at funknet.net
Wed Feb 18 10:32:10 EST 2015

In case you need a command to quickly get the current Franklin County
snow emergency level:

# Franklin County Snow Emergency Level
# Required commands:
#     curl
#     xpath (from libxml-xpath-perl package)
#     html2, 2xml (both from xml2 package)


xhtml_cleanup() {
    html2 | 2xml


curl -s "$url" | xhtml_cleanup > "$tmpfile"
if [ $status -gt 0 ]; then
    rm -f "$tmpfile"
    exit $status

xpath -q -e "//div[@class='main']/div//text()" "$tmpfile"

rm "$tmpfile"


Those two package names are on Ubuntu. YMMV.

Sending you a message when this changes, or handling other counties,
are left as an exercise for the reader.

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