[colug-432] sed, regex dialects, crummy documentation, good writing

Mike Plemmons mikeplemmons at gmail.com
Sun May 17 23:07:14 EDT 2015

Regarding documentation, I really wish the Linux man pages could reach the
quality of the OpenBSD man pages.  Many times I am looking for examples of
how a command argument is supposed to be used and many pages are lacking.
I realize documentation is the least enjoyable part if programming but
clearer writing would bring huge benefit.
On May 17, 2015 7:10 PM, <jep200404 at columbus.rr.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 17 May 2015 10:11:29 -0400, Steve VanSlyck <s.vanslyck at postpro.net>
> wrote:
> > ... asked me some good questions about my one-liner,
> >
> > sed -i.bak 's:(^Defaults\s*Env_reset\s*)$:$1\nDefaults
> > editor=/bin/nano:' ./sudoers
> >
> > , one of which was why "$1?"
> >
> > For the "replace" portion of sed, I was trying to find out how to return
> > the result of the last search and $1 seemed to be the right way to do
> > it. I saw what I thought was a authoritative page on this but cannot
> > find it now. One that I did find is
> >
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2890700/backreferences-syntax-in-replacement-strings-why-dollar-sign
> That article talks about Java and Perl.
> Your example used sed, which predates Perl by much.
> I saw no direct mention of sed in that article.
> What has your experimentation revealed about how sed works?
> > Everything I'm readying about regular expressions talks about this
> > engine does it this way and that engine does it that way and it's all
> > very confusing and frustrating.
> Indeed. It is that way. I don't pay any attention to the
> underlying engines, just how each program implements regexes.
> Knowing what the common themes are,
> I often figure things out with experimentation.
> > None of the "engines" are fedora-based bash,
> > so I have no idea which engine's requirements I'm
> > supposed to go by.
> You have to read the manual for each program _and_ experiment
> to back it up. I think of shells as implementing globs, not
> regexes, although they might have some regex capability that
> I'm not aware of. Learn the difference between globs and regexes.
> > On top of this I have to struggle with a problem endemic to technical
> > writing and which is far too common: writers who state a rule and then
> > give examples inconsistent with the rule just described!
> Yup. It sucks. Experiment. Sometimes even read the source code.
> > This makes me scream.
> Yup. It sucks.
> > ^A matches "A" at the beginning of a line A$ matches "A" at the end of
> > a line A^ matches "A^" anywhere on a line $A matches "$A" anywhere on a
> > line ^^ matches "^" at the beginning of a line $$ matches "$" at the
> > end of a line
> Those make sense to me.
> > On grymoire.com, for
> > example, Bruce Barnett writes, "If you need to match a "^" at the
> > beginning of the line, or a "$" at the end of a line, you must escape
> > the special character with a backslash."
> I think he is wrong and very close to being right.
> Better would have been to say pattern instead of line. I.e.,
>     "If you need to match a "^" at the beginning of the
>     pattern, or a "$" at the end of a pattern,
>     you must escape the special character with a backslash."
> Submit a patch to him.
> Books benefit from the work of a good editor.
> Much online stuff does not have the benefit of editors,
> and it shows. Often it helps to consult several online
> sources, and compare them.
> By the way, there is often more than one way to do
> something. An exercise can be to see how many ways
> one can do something.
> > WT#! It maybe would've killed him to mention escaping the character OR
> > doubling it, and then give BOTH examples?:
> You are his editor. Submit a patch.
> > How are we supposed to learn anything if we can't trust our teachers!
> By experience, which involves making mistakes and getting burned
> by misplaced trust. You'll develop a sense of how much to trust
> information. The judgement for such is highly subjective.
> You'll notice a correlation between the various kinds of
> goodness in writing with the accuracy of the information.
> Having suffered from poor writing, you will appreciate good
> writing more and more. You will pay more attention to a well
> written question than lesser writing. You are not alone.
> Others behave similarly. They are waiting for a good question.
> This leads back to the advice at the top of colug.net.
> > I'm almost 60. I approach this stuff in good faith, with no
> > math training beyond high school, no programming experience
> > beyond Excel, ...
> Excel experience should have been enough to make you wary. :-)
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Many O'Reilly books are good. Older editions are cheap.
> For classic Unix tools, old editions are still relevant.
> Consider reading the following:
>     sed & awk by Dale Dougherty & Arnold Robbins
> It covers regular expressions as used by those programs.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I have found many documentation errors over the years.
> Sometimes I later realized that the documentation was
> correct and that I was wrong. An Intel 8051 manual was
> one manual I thought was wrong, but later realized was
> correct. The more I studied it, the more I realized how
> carefully it was written, that every word was chosen well.
> Some authors are great. Kernighan and Ritchie wrote
> "The C Programming Language" with wit. W. Richard Stevens
> wrote APUE with amazing precision. A Fortran manual from
> IBM by anonymouse authors was excellent.
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