[colug-432] 2015-10-03 OLF Scribbles: Kubernetes; Katello, Foreman, Vagrant, Ansible, Cattle Not Pets

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Sun Oct 4 19:48:12 EDT 2015

On Oct 4, 2015 7:19 PM, jep200404 at columbus.rr.com wrote:
> Vagrant 
>     creates and configures VMs 
>     much support for VirtualBox VMs 
>     little support for KVM/QEMU VMs 
>     only for development and testing 
>     not for production 
>         why??? is it too insecure? 

Vagrant is usually used with VirtualBox to run a VM on a personal computer. VirtualBox is neat, but there are better solutions for running VMs in a production environment.

I think there's a plugin to allow Vagrant to speak to VMware but I still wouldn't use Vagrant for production workloads.

Vagrant can be super slow. It can be fiddly with VM settings.

We use Vagrant heavily to build and test Puppet modules. We then have our developers use Vagrant boxes configured with these same Puppet modules. This ensures that the apps they develop are running in an environment very similar to our production servers (which are also built using these same Puppet modules).

The Vagrant presentation from OLF will be reprised at the October COLUG meeting. October 21. Stay tuned for the official announcement.

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