[colug-432] tab completion and SCP

Rick Troth rmt at casita.net
Sun Aug 21 17:00:30 EDT 2016


Caught it in the act.

Several weeks ago I thought I noticed this. Couldn't confirm it at the
time, but just now saw it again and ... confirmed via /var/log/messages
on the remote system.

I suppose most of us have grown accustomed to tab completion, and tab
completion has gotten so much "smarter" in recent years. Here's a nifty
new one (for me): *SCP does remote tab completion.* (Or maybe some of
you knew already.) It's extremely cool. It's also a little
disconcerting. In this case, the remote system has a file /tmp/blahblah,
so I do ...

    scp -p remote:/tmp/bla/<tab>.

 ... and the shell completes the /remote/ filename just as if it was
local. That's right, boys and girls, it spawns a remote shell to list
the files there on the other system and then report back to your local
shell. Spiffy.

Thought y'all might like to know. Anyone else seen it?

-- R; <><

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