[colug-432] RHEL: Permissions Error / Write a Read-Only File

Joshua Kramer joskra42.list at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 00:21:57 EST 2016


I have run across a peculiar behavior in RHEL 6.  One user can write
to a file that does not belong to him by mv'ing one of his files to
the target filename.

Say we have two users, Bob and Alice.

1. Alice has created a separate OS group for a project: AliceProj.
2. Alice adds Bob to the group AliceProj.
3. Alice creates a directory somewhere, let's call it
/srv/AliceProjDir.  She sets it user+rwx, group+wrx, all+rx.
3. Alice creates a file in /srv/AliceProjDir,
ALICE_IMPORTANT_DATA.xml.  She sets it read-write to herself,
read-only to the group AliceProj.
4. Bob comes along and, in the directory noted above, does 'cp
5. Bob edits his BOB_EDITED_DATA.xml.
6. Bob does this: 'mv BOB_EDITED_DATA.xml ALICE_IMPORTANT_DATA.xml'
7. Now Alice's important data file, that should only be writeable by
Alice, contains Bob's edits.

Why does this work, and why is it not considered a bug?


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