[colug-432] to present Chicory

Rick Hornsby richardjhornsby at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 11:24:14 EDT 2017

On June 1, 2017 at 09:10:29, Rick Troth (rmt at casita.net) wrote:

friends --

I've been using a scheme now called Chicory <http://www.casita.net/chicory/>
 since ... a long time ago. (Years before it even had a name.) Would love
to present it at a COLUG meeting and maybe get others to join in the party.

Chicory comes to mind because we acquired an Airbook for my wife and I have
naturally *begun tinkering*. One result of tinkering is that I have added "
Darwin-x86_64" to a growing body of ready-to-run packages. There are more
than a dozen other platforms (e.g., Linux-i386, Linux-s390, FreeBSD-amd64).
The packages are things like GnuPG, which I sometimes get from
distro/vendor but usually build from source "just because". (Not as if I
have time to actually vet the source each release, but re-compile allows
for that and takes control up a notch in any case.)

Does anyone use "brew" or "homebrew"? It's a popular Mac-centric scheme
that seems to be a little like Chicory (but more formal and has an actual
following). My friend and mentor Glenn, who has been a Mac enthusiast for
probably 15 years, described Brew to me in response to my comments about
Chicory. There is a LinuxBrew project with a much smaller following than
Mac Homebrew. The concept looks great, but some of the requirements put me
off a bit.

Yeah, I use brew, and love it. There's a ton of stuff available, sometimes
even stuff I wouldn't expect - but I just 'brew install random-thing' and
it often works. Most of the time it is painless, and some packages come
with hints following the install - how to set up your shell environment, or
how to make it so that (ie redis) starts on boot.

The most oft cited alternative to brew is MacPorts. I mostly switched over
to brew because that's what my client developers were using. I've never
come across Chicory.

Brew and MacPorts are sort of supposed to mirror the idea of apt/yum on
macOS - access to a remote repository of packages through a single

Just for fun, try

$ brew install youtube-dl

$ youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N99ODGN2m-c
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