[colug-432] user friendly desktop distro

Rick Hornsby rhornsby at ktzr.net
Wed Jul 12 13:42:21 EDT 2023

(Would love to make the meeting Thursday since bash shell quoting is 
something I deal with constantly, but live a thousand miles or so away 
from c-town these days.)

I have a few old Macbooks (oldest is 2010 or 2011?) that I want to give 
away to families that could use them. The hardware is fine. One needed a 
new battery, but that was easy. They're too old for any modern version 
of macOS, but perfectly capable of running a reasonable Linux desktop - 
web browsing, email, word processing, etc. I've already played a bit 
with Mint and it seems to run well. Mint also has a way to deliver a 
system as "OEM" - meaning that while the OS is already installed and 
ready, the first thing it does is ask you to set up a new user. (This as 
opposed to only giving you the new user prompt during install time.)

If I wanted a distro that was user-friendly and more or less 
non-technical, and runs decent on old hardware is Mint a recommended 
option? Are there others that might be better? It is very likely that 
they'll end up passing through a charity of some kind and I won't even 
know where these laptops end up, so won't be available to do technical 

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