<p dir="ltr">If I was looking for a laptop/PC for a friend, family member, or customer the most important question after "whats the computers job(s)" is always budget. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Knowing the budget helps to focus the vast market of models available and find the best fit for your friends needs. IMHO it is best to find the models that fit the criteria and then check for *nix compatibility. You would think it would be the opposite with a free OS but many of the laptops with linux pre-installed seem to cost more then comparable hardware with licensed OS' s. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Josh already stated the best place IMHO for great deals on new hardware locally and thats Micro Center. Micro Center has loads of great laptops at better then net prices and your friend can actually get hands on before buying to ensure a good fit.</p>