[colug-432] non-free software created using GPLv3 GCC

ekspiulo ekspiulo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 16:22:56 EDT 2009

I can say, with out using any legal analysis whatsoever, that if this 
were the case, you would already know about it.

That said the executable code produced by a compiler is no more a 
derivative work of the compiler's source code than an image produced by 
GIMP is a derivative work of its source code.

Jeff Frontz wrote:
> At the meeting last night, some folks mentioned reading/hearing that
> GPLv3-licensed software (specifically the newer versions of the GCC
> suite that are covered under GPLv3) could not be used to create
> commercial (non-free) software.  That sounded a little suicidal for
> GCC (who'd ever want to risk using it) not to mention a little
> contrary to GPL (it would in essence seize your property rights from
> you instead of encouraging you to allow others to make use of your
> IP).
> I did some googling and found a page
> (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#CanIUseGPLToolsForNF) that
> seems to confirm my suspicions--it even explicitly mentions software
> created using GCC, saying that "...the copyright on the editors and
> tools does not cover the code you write. Using them does not place any
> restrictions, legally, on the license you use for your code."
> Obviously, there are libraries that are GPL'd (vs. LGPL'd) and they
> taint anything linked against them (but that's what shims are for ;-)
> Is my take (which is not legal advice--I am forbidden by the State of
> Ohio from offering legal advice) off base?
> Jeff
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