[colug-432] non-free software created using GPLv3 GCC

Jeff Frontz jeff.frontz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 17:09:38 EDT 2009

At the meeting last night, some folks mentioned reading/hearing that
GPLv3-licensed software (specifically the newer versions of the GCC
suite that are covered under GPLv3) could not be used to create
commercial (non-free) software.  That sounded a little suicidal for
GCC (who'd ever want to risk using it) not to mention a little
contrary to GPL (it would in essence seize your property rights from
you instead of encouraging you to allow others to make use of your

I did some googling and found a page
(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#CanIUseGPLToolsForNF) that
seems to confirm my suspicions--it even explicitly mentions software
created using GCC, saying that "...the copyright on the editors and
tools does not cover the code you write. Using them does not place any
restrictions, legally, on the license you use for your code."
Obviously, there are libraries that are GPL'd (vs. LGPL'd) and they
taint anything linked against them (but that's what shims are for ;-)

Is my take (which is not legal advice--I am forbidden by the State of
Ohio from offering legal advice) off base?


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