[colug-432] Looking for a Linux-based time-keeping application

Peter Kukla fruviad at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 24 19:30:15 EST 2011

I'm working on several projects, and often jerked from one to another.

I'd like to start keeping closer tabs on how much time I spend on each project.

My initial thought is that it would be nice to have a pop-up to grab my attention in my X Window session every N minutes to ask me what I'm doing.  I could drag my attention away from whatever task I was working on just long enough to select a radio button or type a keyword or whatever and have the result stored where it could be tracked later.

Do you have a favorite app for this sort of itch?  Or something that will do the job better in a different way?

My workstations are Ubuntu 10.x.

Thanks in advance for any ideas,


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