[colug-432] Streaming

Steve Roggenkamp roggenkamps at acm.org
Sun Jan 9 19:04:32 EST 2011

I'm not sure, but here are some guesses:

1. Broadcasters send their signals to the ether and they do not know who 
is actually watching.  Thus, services like Nielsen  figure this out and 
sell their results.  With the internet, publishers know who is viewing 
each file and can gather marketing data on viewers.  This is valuable 
data which they want to maximize.

2. Early experiences with digital media being pirated on the internet 
created a big challenge for the content publisher's revenues.  It's very 
easy for just about anyone to set up a web site to share bootlegged 
files compared to setting up a pirate broadcasting station.  The FCC 
takes a very dim view of pirate broadcasting stations, so there are 
relatively few pirate broadcasting stations and they do not present a 
problem for content publishers.

3. Most (all?) modern consumer DVRs are essentially controlled by the 
cable or media companies, so they still control our experience and can 
gather viewer data.  (I've not built a mythTV set yet although it might 
be one of my projects for the year).

My $0.02.


Angelo McComis wrote:
> This almost seems to raise a consumer rights question:  if you send
> something to my machine, do I have the right to save it to retrieve it
> later?  Do I have the right to decode and leave the content viewable
> later? At what point do you draw the line here?
> We DVR broadcast and cable content. Why do Internet types try to make
> online content so much more difficult to do the equivalent with?
> - Angelo
> On Jan 9, 2011, at 5:56 PM, William Yang <wyang at gcfn.net> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2011-01-08 at 18:25 -0500, Matt Meinwald wrote:
>>> My guess is it is not on the hard drive at all.  I have seen flash store regular
>>> videos in /tmp.  In more recent versions they seem to be deleting this file
>>> immediately after creating it, but it is still accessible somewhere in
>>> /proc/<PID>/fd/.
>> That's a secure coding technique to prevent data leakage.
>> ... stuff deleted
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