[colug-432] Change Root Password

Rick Hornsby richardjhornsby at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 12:15:41 EST 2012

On Dec 19, 2012, at 10:52, Rob Funk <rfunk at funknet.net> wrote:

> On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:39:49 AM Rick Hornsby wrote:
>> Side note: basically, never log in as root.
> Agreed.
>> Unless the system is so
>> borked there is no other way to get in. Log in as yourself, and use sudo
>> to execute administrative tasks that require root privs.  In some rare
>> cases, switching to root for a few minutes is easier -
>> $ sudo su - root
> Easier: sudo su -
> (root is the default.)

indeed. Typed it out in the explicit form w/o thinking.

> OR
> sudo -i
> Or, if you want something closer to your usual environment, but as root:
> sudo su
> OR even better:
> sudo -s

If you do this, maybe modify your own path first to include /sbin and /usr/sbin. No distro I've worked in has ever included the sbin directories in the user path by default.

I sometimes add them out of principle anyways. There are a few things in there that a non priv user might run (ping? or did that get moved to /bin?)

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