[colug-432] problems with roadrunner?

Dave Alden dave at alden.name
Tue Jan 1 18:50:19 EST 2013


On 1/1/13 6:45 PM, Bill Baker wrote:
> No problems here, but you might want to check out Rick Hornsby's ruby
> script for getting the levels from the modem:
> http://ktzr.net/websvn/pub/filedetails.php?repname=KTZR+Public+SVN&path=%2Fcable_modem%2Fget_modem_stats.rb

I took a look at the script - unfortunately my modem has a completely 
different table (I've got a Motorola Surfboard 6141). I'm going to look 
into modifying the script to work with my modem.
> If one or more of the levels is out of whack, call Time Warner and
> demand a tech come out to your home to fix it, unless they're able to
> confirm that it's an area issue.
When I look at the values, they look fine.  But it's possible they are 
varying and I'm just not seeing them when they are "bad".  I'll try to 
get the script working so I can log them.
> If you can't find anything wrong with the SNR levels, try a speed test
> at http://rrspeeds.com.

When the connection is "bad", the speed tests are all over the board.  
When the connection is "good", the speed tests are as expected.


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