[colug-432] Weird problem: Linux runs fine, but won't install?

Angelo McComis angelo at mccomis.com
Tue Apr 15 10:03:54 EDT 2014

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Joshua Kramer <joskra42.list at gmail.com>wrote:

> I decided that I wanted to put another disk in the system to have a RAID1
> setup, and replace the RAM with 16G.  So I put the new drive and RAM in,
> and backed up my data.  Popped in my CentOS 6.5 install DVD, and... I can't
> install.  The installer freezes up at various points, usually when it is
> first detecting the storage.

Check if you have a BIOS / onboard RAID controller that's getting in the
way of things.

For instance, I have Intel Rapid Storage Technology (on my Win7 box) that
doesn't support Linux very well. If I were trying to install Linux on
there, I would expect to fight a battle similar to what you're describing.

Look in the BIOS setup pages for something to do with RAID vs AHCI. Also,
some motherboards have slightly different firmwares that you can install
that optimize them for Linux.

There's two places to look.  As Tom says, eliminate one variable at a time
to keep your sanity.

Good luck.
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