[colug-432] Determine Resource Usage

Rick Troth rmt at casita.net
Fri Jan 24 12:55:04 EST 2014

On 01/24/2014 12:30 PM, tom wrote:
> How do I determine how much resources a Distro uses. Posted online? 
> Determine from command line?

Try 'uptime' and 'free' for starters. You could get better detail from
'sar', but I never remember the incantation.

> I am installing Linux on an old laptop for someone. They asked for 
> LinuxMInt 13 Maya as they think it will use less resources than 
> LinuxMint 16. I want to verify that. I think 16 would be better if it 
> does not hog a lot more resources.

It's generally assumed to be true, but deserves verification. Not that I
*want* to use PalmOS, but the difference between hardware requirements
of a hand-held from ten years ago when compared with one today ...
shocking. Or the popular slogan, "Programs expand to fill all available
memory.". Still, yes, warrants actual observation (comparing LM13 with
LM16 for example).

You might enjoy this session from Linux.Conf.Au from two years back.


> I did install LinuxMint16xfce, but seemed rather limited.

Would like to hear hard numbers if you find some.

-- R; <><

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