[colug-432] Conflict btwn Screen and Putty

Chris Clonch chris at theclonchs.com
Wed Mar 5 21:27:37 EST 2014

On 03/05/2014 09:23 AM, Joshua Kramer wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have an odd conflict between screen (the terminal multiplexer) and
> Putty, and this is something I've never seen before.
> The environment is RedHat 5.8.  It's worth noting that when I was
> using CentOS 5.x on a daily basis, I used Putty and screen all the
> time without encountering this problem.
> Normally, when you login via putty with bash as your shell, you can
> hit the up-arrow for the last command.  This sends the ascii code for
> ESC, then [A, and it goes across to bash (or whatever other program)
> just fine.  When you try this via screen, it looks like the terminal
> manager in screen takes "the ascii code for ESC, then [A" and turns it
> into the actual character string ^[[A, which is Caret + [ + [  + A.
> I was always able to sort out these kinds of issues on my own systems
> by setting TERM=xterm and the Putty terminal emulation to xterm.  That
> doesn't work in this case.  Where should I start looking for possible
> solutions to this problem?

My guess is an issue with term settings between Putty, screen and your
shell.  It has been ages since I've ran screen so my memory is a little
fuzzy, but I believe screen would set your TERM to "screen".  You might
check to see if you have term definition for screen:

|find /usr/share/terminfo -type f|

Not sure if it is an option, but you might switch to tmux from screen. 
So many improvements over screen it is hard to start.



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