[colug-432] CentOS 7 weird DNS network oddity...

Joshua Kramer joskra42.list at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 21:52:12 EST 2015

Hello Everyone,

I have a really weird problem here.  For reference, the client is my
laptop, which is running CentOS 7.  The server is also running CentOS 7.

The server is basically a KVM host, though it also runs NFS and DNS.  I
have a virtual network set up that is routed and connected to my primary

The primary address of the physical server is
The virtual network address of the server is
My laptop is on a 192.168.3 subnet.

I can ssh from my laptop to the physical server at its .4.1 address.  I can
also ssh from my laptop to virtual machines running in the server, for
example, at .4.10.  I can even telnet to .4.1 on port 53 from my laptop and
it will connect and then close the connection.

Virtual machines running on the server can use the DNS server no problem,
to resolve both internet-bound names and names of other virtual machines on
that internal network.

My laptop cannot use the DNS server!  I notice when I telnet to the dns
port from one of the virtual machines, the connection opens and stays
open.  If I telnet to the dns port from my laptop, it opens then
immediately closes.  Relevant named.conf lines are:

listen-on port 53 {;; };
allow-query     { localhost; 192.168/16; };
recursion yes;
allow-recursion { 192.168/16; };

I've made sure the selinux contexts are correct for the files, and I've
used firewall-cmd to allow DNS queries through.  Where should I look next?

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