[colug-432] Top or Bottom Post: Neither: Use Interleaved Quoting Instead

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Sat Feb 28 20:20:15 EST 2015

We _love_ good conversation. 

Interleaved quoting is preferred to either top posting or bottom 
posting, because it is easy for the reader to understand as it 
follows the natural flow of conversation. This is explained in 
"Quoting Style" by Richard Kettlewell. 

    Quoting Style by Richard Kettlewell

If you want others to read what you write or 
if you want others to help you, 
what can you do (short of using force) 
to get others to want to read your writings or want to help you? 

The answer is to write well. 
Writing well takes thought. 
Writing well takes work. 

This goes beyond how one quotes. Consider following the advice 
on writing technical email in the link below.

    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric Raymond

The above links are from the top section of colug.net.

We _love_ good conversation. 

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