[colug-432] Great moments in computer science
R P Herrold
herrold at owlriver.com
Wed Jun 3 12:09:27 EDT 2015
On Wed, 3 Jun 2015, Steve VanSlyck wrote:
> In words of one syllable, what is basically the problem with
> global variables? Is it simply that they're open to be
> changed by anything in the system?
the linked trial transcripts are pretty readible to a lay
person (the expert witness did s good job 'cutting through'
the lingo -- recommended reading
coders have long known better (sorry, two syllables) than to
keep food, rat poison, and baby powder all in the same old
re-used coffee can in the refrigerator. A 'global' is a
re-use of a storage location without taking the time to make
sure it is in a (type-system protected -- sorry, a 'forward
reference' I will define a bit later) and distinctively named
Used properly and maturely, their tools will protect them by
limiting (confine) the area for mistakes to happen if they are
properly used, just as keeping the rat poison in the original
packaging with skull and cross-bones on the top shelf in the
garage, the food in the 'fridge, and the baby powder in the
nursery prevents mixup and 'accidents'
Variable names are cheap; the techniques to let the computer
code detect when rat poison leaves the garage and ends up
stored in the nursery exist (called being in and out of scope
-- things OUT of scope are inaccessible automatically unless
declared as 'global')
'typed' (type-system protected) languages add further
protective inter-locks to prevent error
undefined (net yet defined) 'forward references' also noted
here. When building an presentation, one does not want to
leave an audience guessing as to what a term of art means, but
there is a geek joke buried there, from compiler design
courses, that show how to solve and teach naiive compilers to
be able to note sonething they do not understand yet, and then
to 'fix-up' the uncertainty in a second read through (or
'pass') through the material
People asre not so patient or literal as computers, so it
makes sense not to use a term of art, without also then
'dropping a footnote' with a definition
-- Russ herrold
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