[colug-432] Creating SSH for New User

Steve VanSlyck s.vanslyck at postpro.net
Sun May 10 22:26:41 EDT 2015

My new user (me) can't log on via SSH. Can someone look this over and
tell me what super basic thing I've done wrong?

What I did:

_As root_:

Add user "name" /usr/sbin/adduser name Create password passwd name
[created the password] Give root permissions sudo nano /etc/sudoers
[added the line name ALL=(All) ALL Re-enabled password authentication in
sshd_config and restarted sshd

_As the new user "name"_:

made directory mkdir ./ssh created file and added public key to file
authorized keys sudo nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [entered the public key
(which I call a "lock")] updated permissions "just in case" chmod 700
~/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

tried to login with the private key Result: server refused the key.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
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