[colug-432] Unfotunate Incomplete Projects

Jacob Ulrich contact at peachchannel.lol
Thu May 12 02:43:54 EDT 2016

On 2016-05-11 23:37, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 11:30:27PM -0400, Jacob Ulrich wrote:
>> Thanks for the speedy replies. What if there truly is no alternative
>> though? In my situation I really don't think there is. What would you 
>> do
>> if it's a specific project you want to see complete for personal
>> reasons?
> Could you provide some details?  Your questions/statements are very
> vague.  Open Source is a big world.  If you could narrow the scope 
> some,
> then perhaps I or others could be more helpful.
> Feel free to reply directly if you don't want to discuss the matter on 
> a
> public mailing list.
> Regards,
> -Roberto

Ok, well, since you asked. I'll explain the situation but I doubt you'll 
like it as it's a bit ungracious. Across the internet, there are these 
domains called imageboards (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imageboard). 
There is a particular popular imageboard which is used more than others 
titled 8chan but it seems that the engine it runs on is broken 
(https://8ch.net/tech/res/591588.html) and it's Admin compromised. For 
what it's worth, I'm figuring to start my very own imageboard with this 
engine (https://github.com/infinity-next/infinity-next) but it's too 
incomplete! So how would I get the engine I want to utilize completed if 
I don't know the language and framework it's written in? This is truly 
about the software too though, nothing personal. And because I regularly 
participate in discussions on imagebaords. I'm hoping this email doesn't 
give me unyielding reputation. Actually, I first learned of LUG groups 
from this board too by the way. Before that I had never actually met 
another GNU/Linux user so please have some insight.

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