[colug-432] in search of spam/phishing filtering that doesn't suck

Alon Ganon alon at ganon.me
Mon Sep 19 02:23:38 EDT 2016

I use my own private email server using mailinabox on Ubuntu GNU/Linux
it works quite nicely for an all in one package without much
customization needed. I paired it with my own blacklist I wrote which
can be found in my Github account called inset-assassin. check out
mailinabox at https://mailinabox.email 

Best Regards,

Alon Ganon

Alon's Personal E-Mail
If Business related please E-Mail: alon at dtg3d.com <mailto:alon at dtg3d.com>
Fax Number: Still building a proper E-Fax server
Blog: alonganon.info <https://alonganon.info>
Writer and Member of Being Libertarian <https://beinglibertarian.com>
Linkedin: Alon Ganon <https://www.linkedin.com/in/alonganon>
Twitter: ChiefGyk <https://www.twitter.com/ChiefGyk>
GitHub: ChiefGyk <https://github.com/ChiefGyk>
Supporter of Free/Libre Software
Sent on Xubuntu GNU/Linux with Mozilla Thunderbird
1)This is a private email server. Any information sent to
this server will not be shared with any third party.
See my manifesto about my servers and services
for more detail
Encryption Methods: GnuPG, VeraCrypt, or 7-Zip with AES256
Password for Encrypted files will be sent via alternate communication
(Whatsapp, Facebook, etc.) Unless email is sent encrypted with GnuPG

On 09/18/2016 11:55 AM, pat at linuxcolumbus.com wrote:
> On 2016-09-17 18:21, Rick Hornsby wrote:
>> What are you guys doing for your email as far as spam and phishing
>> filtering? Are you doing something yourself server side? Client side?
>> I've found over and over again in the past (and when it is turned on
>> by default and I don't realize it) that the filtering in email clients
>> sucks, and so I always turn it off. Google has the advantage of
>> bazillions of emails to make a decent guess at what's spam and what's
>> not. Even with that, they're starting to suck at it too. I've been
>> left very confused over the last year or so several times because
>> gmail filters out a single message - or two - from a COLUG thread.
>> What are your thoughts?
> Clamav along with https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs 
> does a good job for me.
> Pat
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