[colug-432] google spam filters eating our threads

Jeff Frontz jeff.frontz at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 10:52:55 EST 2017

Correction -- I just found the hackintosh mail (unread and in inbox -- not
in spam) -- but I would have sworn that it wasn't there on the day it was
sent (which sort of confirms what I thought I'd observed before: gmail will
"silo" messages that look spammy and then release them some time later --
it's almost like it's waiting for subsequent messages to check if the
sending account was hacked or if there are similar messages flooding other


On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Jeff Frontz <jeff.frontz at gmail.com> wrote:

> it looks like the only post that I haven't seen was yours on the
> hackintosh building
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