[colug-432] Mar 21 7:00pm: COLUG meeting @ Manta: NORD distribution & cross-compilation challenges

Jeff Frontz jeff.frontz at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 15:24:25 EDT 2018

What: A presentation on NORD followed by a discussion about
cross-compilation challenges
When: Wednesday, 21 March 2018 @ 7:00PM EDT
Where: Manta (8760 Orion Pl, Cols.: https://goo.gl/maps/87LgATruNES2 )
Who: Anyone interested in linux, open-source, operating systems, or just
general computer geekery.
Details: Have you ever wondered how to create a linux distribution or what
might motivate someone to do such a crazy thing? Rick Troth will do a
presentation on NORD, a minimalist computer operating system (see
http://casita.net/nord ) where you can learn about both. Riffing on this,
Chris Punches will lead a discussion on some of the obstacles he's
encountered while creating a generic cross-compilation environment (come
offer suggestions for surmounting them -- or just to learn about
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