[colug-432] systemd dislike

Jim Wildman jim at rossberry.com
Mon Mar 7 09:18:59 EST 2016

Also installing the bash-completion package enables tab-tab completion
for systemctl commands and units...which is as handy as it sounds.
The first time you run it, it will be slow, after that it just works.

You can also give it multiple commands

systemctl restart A B C

I can't say I like it, but it's easy enough to get used to.  It was
introduced right as I joined Red Hat and I thought there would be a great
hue and cry against it.  Crickets.  I think professional sysadmins just
don't care.  They're already dealing with AIX, Solaris, various Linux's,
maybe some HP and Windows.  Just give me the documentation and get out
of the way.

I'm sure this had little to do with it, but by putting the target last, 
csh history works nicer

systemctl start httpd
systemctl status -l !$

On Mon, 7 Mar 2016, Zach Villers wrote:

> Couple tips;
> systemctl has an is-enabled command.
> systemctl is-enabled httpd
> Using a -l flag on systemctl status gets you more info on what your service did after you started it
> systemctl status -l httpd
> Finally, journalctl has the ability to only return entries for a particular service or timer, etc.
> journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=httpd.service
> Not advocating for an init system - just a couple of tips. Hth
> -Zach
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 8:40 AM Rick Hornsby <richardjhornsby at gmail.com> wrote:
>       > On Mar 7, 2016, at 00:16, Jacob Ulrich <contact at peachchannel.lol> wrote:
>       >
>       > Does anybody else dislike systemd with a passion? I ask just because I
>       > see a lot of RHEL related talk on this list. Sorry if this is
>       > irrelevant. I mostly use GNU/Linux as a hobby.
>       I'm having a hard time getting used to it.  SysV style init scripts were simple and effective.  I know, systemd is more powerful,
>       and the unit files are supposed to be easier to deal with.
>       But instead of
>       chkconfig --list ntpd
>       Now it's
>       systemctl status ntpd - which requires reading through a bunch of output to figure out if your ntpd is set to start on boot or
>       not.  Also, no more run levels, just a confusing pile of declared dependencies and "targets".  I must sound really old when I ask
>       what was wrong with my run levels 0 - 6?
>       If you use the service command, the syntax is the opposite: service ntpd status.  I don't know why systemd does it - what seems
>       like - backwards.
>       Often when a service does not start properly, I don't get any indication.  Have to systemctl status, and then "journalctl -xn" (no
>       idea what journalctl has to do with it) to figure out what went wrong.
>       It also doesn't help that we have both 'systemctl' and 'sysctl' - each of which do completely different things.
>       To be fair to systemd, I haven't spent much time digging into these issues, or why things are they way they are.  I've just been
>       dealing with it and grumbling.
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Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE       jim at rossberry.com http://www.rossberry.net
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